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The Organized Pack Rat

If you're like me and enjoy keeping special cards, souvenirs and photographs...but don't want to scrapbook them, it's nice to keep them in boxes labeled by year.  You can take it a step further by organizing the inside of the box too, for example, you could put a rubber band around the cards to keep them separate.  Anyway,  this way you'll always know when you received that heart felt card, or visited a favorite travel spot...and you'll have a place to put your special items right away.  The labels I used are from Paper Source and printable, the card boxes are sold everywhere, but the cheapest is usually Michael's.  

Anyone else a bit of a pack rat?  


  1. People think I'm so organized, they only need to open a few closets to see this really isn't the case. One of these days I'm completely doing this idea...someday. Janell

  2. This is SUCH a good idea- i always have little papers, cards, etc and never know what to do with them! :)

  3. ha! we call our memories boxes and they are about the same size and they are ridiculous, but we think we need to keep stuff.

  4. I'm totally the same I have notes and cards from 12 years ago! ha

  5. I tend to keep all those things too...I always feel bad throwing away nice cards and things. I also keep them in boxes, and have even gone as far as creating an album with my favorite cards. Having said that, I do need to go through the box soon as it's become a little out of hand!

  6. What a great idea. Seriously.. I throw out cards and stuff because they just collect in drawers. Love this.. thanks! xx

  7. I am tossing and organizing on this hot day - which is keeping me - cool! Love your green boxes and the labels too.

  8. I do the exact same thing; I love to keep all the cards my friends and I exchange of the years and look back!! What's the fun of snail mail if you cant revist?

  9. I have a big plastic box for each of my kids for keepsakes and start a folder for each for the new school year. It is fun to look back at mementos.

    This week is all about de-cluttering at our house. I need to spend some time reading over your old posts for ideas! I just got back from dropping off the first batch of donations. That always feels good.

  10. I am definetly a pack-rat, especially when it comes to keep sake stuff. I keep everything! Concert tickets, cards, museum pamphlets from travels, etc. This would be a great way to organize all of this stuff!
    Also, Thanks for stopping by earlier today! Hope to see you again soon.

  11. OH ME!! :) our whole garage is filled like that. love it.

  12. these are beautiful...
    i wish i was more of a packrat. i throw EVERYTHING out.
    constantly calling courthouse, post office, dmv, etc....for information on how to get copies of all the important stuff i trash (gulp).

  13. I love this. I have been looking for a place to store little cards and notes, and this will be perfect. Thanks!

  14. Yes, I am and I love this idea- you are so friggin cute!

  15. yes, but I prefer to call my self a nostalgia-ist. Great Idea, there's nothing wrong with well organized anything!!
    Great Idea Thanks!

  16. Keep the ideas coming. You always motivate me to tackle things around my house.

  17. I am not at all although I do keep cards but they aren't organized at all. I might need to adopt your box idea. So cute.

  18. awesome idea. I do have "stuff" that needs to be saved and kept so this is the perfect and stylish way to do it. 1

  19. Oh I love this idea! Those containers are so perfect!


  20. I love this idea! I really don't like throwing things such as birthday cards out, and this is a really cute way to organise all of these bits!

  21. I love this idea! I'm normally ruthless and recycle most cards...but now I have an excuse not to.

  22. am currently sorting through my MIL boxes and bags of mementos going back 40 years..sadly, she used rubberbands and they've disintegrated.. making a mess. but I'm finding plastic bags and ziploc baggies NEVER deteriorate!!
    one hint for those who will someday have to deal with YOUR mementos.
    please jot the date and identify people in the pics..if related , state it..or friend, or colleague, or neighbor.
    warm sandy hugs..

  23. I like this - keepsakes. Rather than a bunch of stuff. As a single lady, I do not scrapbook and don't believe I ever will.

  24. great idea - I have memory boxes for each of my wee lads from their first 12 months of life ... little singlets, a fav toy and other bits and bobs ... I'm going to hand them over once they are fathers :) hee hee hope they appreciate it :) le

  25. I just found your blog, and I AM LOVING IT! I came across this post (i know it's from a while ago!) and just had to comment because i am *such* a packrat, but I think this little tip will really, really help! So, *thank you* for your post!

  26. I also say this too! Well I call myself an organized hoarder.. hehe


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